Current international law news relating to Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities from IGOs and NGOs as reported by Steven C. Perkins, J.D., M.L.L. (scperkins @
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Some Recent Law Review Articles on Ethnic Minorities:
Some Recent articles on Indigenous Peoples:
The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: A Flexible Approach to Addressing the Unique Needs of Varying Populations Viniyanka Prasad. Chicago Journal of International Law, Volume 9, Number 1, Summer 2008, p.297
LEGAL MEANS FOR PROTECTING THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE IN A POST-COLONIAL WORLD Jessica Myers Moran. Holy Cross Journal of Law and Public Policy, Volume 12, Number 1, 2008, p.71
Indigenous Peoples' Courts: Egalitarian Juridical Pluralism, Self-Determination, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Christopher J. Fromherz. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Volume 156, Number 5, May 2008, p.1341